We hope that you have lots of fun while you are a member of Balbriggan Golf Club. We want you to have an enjoyable experience, while learning to play golf, in a fun and safe environment and to develop your skills so that you can progress at a rate that is suitable for your individual needs. For those who are progressing we hope you will avail of the opportunity to enter and play in competitions with other members as well as having the opportunity to enter and play in competitions with other members. You look forward to helping you progress and hope that you can get involved in team events.
Welcome and Induction from the Junior Convenor and Junior Committee.
Balbriggan Golf Club Mission Statement
The aim of our Junior Section of Balbriggan Golf Club is to help you to enjoy your golf at whatever level you may aspire to. We hope to make your golfing experience one of fun in a friendly and safe environment, where great(lifelong) friendships can be made.
Important Contacts:
The Junior Convenor works with a dedicated group of Committee members and volunteers to organise golf for our junior members. The junior members are the Cadets and Juveniles.
Our Junior Convenor for 2024 is Evelyn Tolan
PGA Professional: The PGA Professional delivers the coaching sessions to our young members.
Our PGA Professional is Nigel Howley and can be reached in the Proshop and at 01 8412229.
The Junior Captains: The junior captains are juniors that represent the junior section and engage with the junior members and make representation to the junior committee on behalf of our junior members.
Our Junior Captains for 2024 are Cian Healy and Grace Rooney
Balbriggan Golf Club have appointed a children’s Officer:
Our Children’s Officer for 2022 is Evelyn Tolan and Designated Liaison Person is Rhona Tolan
Our Cadet section is under the guidance of Sarah McAuley.
The Junior Committee: Evelyn Tolan, Sarah McAuley, Rhona Tolan, Breegen Roche, Declan Kelly, Helen Tarrant, Lisa Kelly, Jason Quinlan, Barbara Kenny, Fran Scott, Laura Housley, Ellie Boylan, Pat Morrissey, Nessa Carter, Mark Kendellan, Cathal Gibbons.
Balbriggan Golf Club General Information
Dress Code:
The Junior Committee along with the junior Captains created the following dress code:
- Neat polo-shirt
- Neat trousers or skirt or in warm weather, tailored shorts.
- A hat is always advised to avoid the UV rays.
- It is always advisable to wear golf shoes, better grip and you will hold your footing as you swing through your shot.
The Clubhouse:
The clubhouse can be used by all members including the juniors.
All members are expected to behave in an appropriate manner whilst using the facilities.
As a junior section we have come up with the following Code of Conduct:
- We will remove our golf shoes and hat when entering the clubhouse.
- We will take off any wet clothing or shoes in the locker room before entering the club
- The boys will use the Men’s locker room.
- The girls will use the women’s locker room.
- We will not shout or make lots of noise in the clubhouse.
- We will put our mobile phones on silent and leave the lounge or dining room if we need to take a call.
- If we move chairs so that we can sit in a group, we will replace them when we are finished.
- We will not cause a mess for the staff to clean up.
- When we go into the clubhouse, we will put our golf clubs in a place that will not be in the way for other members.
- We will always be courteous to other members of the club.
We will revise this Clubhouse Code of Conduct at the start of each season and each junior member will be asked to sign the code.
Tee Time Reservation
Our course can be busy and for that reason it is advised that you always book a tee time and check into the pro shop before going out on the course,
Book your tee times early for your junior competitions. On a Wednesday you must be present 15 minutes before the first tee time as there will be a draw as to who you will play with. If you are not able to attend, please remove your name from the timesheet. If on the day of playing. You cannot play, please call to help us facilitate all our young golfers.
Please note, for health and safety reasons, Cadets are not permitted to go on the course with an adult member.
On the Golf Course
It is important that when you go onto the golf course, that you are safe, and you follow the course etiquette.
We the Junior Section have agreed:
It can be sometimes intimidating when other members are behind you on the course. We advise you try and use the course at quieter times and if another member is coming behind you, simply pull into a safe place to the side of the fairway and wave the golfers through.
- To replace divots on fairways and repair pitch marks on the green.
- To switch mobile phones on to silent and not take calls.
- To be ready to play your shot when it is your turn.
- To always wait until the people in front are a safe distance before taking your shot.
- Players should never stand behind someone when they are swinging a club.
- Do not distract other people on the golf course.
*Always shake hands with the people you have played with at the end of your game.
It was agreed that when going onto the course it is important to remember:
- A pitch mark repairer
- A ball marker
- A pen/pencil
- Some golf balls and tees
- And remember ONLY 14 CLUBS IN YOUR BAG
Other items to consider having with you:
- An umbrella
- Waterproofs
- Sunblock
- Insect repellent Water and snacks
Local Rules:
Local rules are specific to each club, and it is important to make yourself aware of them as they may have an influence on the interpretation of the rules of golf. They are usually in place for local features such as young trees that may be staked and therefore you might get a free drop.
Our Juvenile competitions are on Wednesdays (9am-11am) and Fridays (9.00am -11.00am) To enter competitions you should:
- Enter your name on the time sheet or phone the pro shop.
- Be at the club 20 mins before your tee time.
- On the day sign on in the pro shop.
- Fill in your score card with your name, handicap and date.
- No caddies are allowed in juvenile competitions.
- Only the player teeing off and the starter or committee member are allowed on the first tee.
Juvenile Majors *
Captain’s Prize
Lady Captain’s Prize
President’s Prize
Professional’s Prize
Junior Captains Prize
Members Prize
*Only Juvenile members are eligible to win Juvenile Majors.
Junior & Juvenile Majors
Member Sponsored Scramble
Adult & Junior End of Season Scramble
There will be circa 24 competitions over the summer months and the player of the year will be based on the Wednesday competitions with your eight best scores counting on a points bases as follows:
First 15 points, and then, 12,10,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, with double points for major competitions. Juveniles who are eligible to play in adult competitions can only win a prize to the value of 75euro.
In order to be able to win a prize in one of the Juvenile majors the young member must have played 4 single competitions in the Junior Section in the previous year or played 3 singles competitions in the current year in the Junior Section of the Club.
In Balbriggan Golf Club we use many forms of communication as listed below
Notice boards are located in the hall at the entrance to the men’s locker room and in the ladies locker room. The junior notice board is where information on upcoming events, coaching and other activities will be posted.
The junior club regularly sends out text messages to inform juniors and parents/guardians about upcoming events. Please ensure the Communication Officer has your number and your parents/guardian’s number.
We communicate with parents/guardians via email of upcoming activities or team selections.
We have set up a whatsapp groups always with the parent/ guardian included.
Juvenile Playing times
Our Juvenile competitions are on Wednesdays (9am-11am) and Fridays (9.00am -11.00am)
Casual golf and camps will be held during mid-term and Easter breaks
Summer Calendar – June, July & August
A Final day, (TBC end of August juvenile and adult foursomes. Details of same will be posted on the about forms of communication.
Casual Golf can be played throughout the year outside of competition times, be aware of club competitions and play outside these times
Please report to the profession Nigel, or his assistants before going onto the course just to ensure you are free to play. Be mindful adults have priority on the course, please call them through if they are waiting behind you.
Boys with a handicap of 14 or lower can enter the Men’s competition and they must also play with an adult member. The Junior Convenor with the Junior Committee can seek approval from the Men’s Committee to allow boys with a handicap for 23 and under to be included in the competition.
Junior girls can play in ladies competitions once they hold a current handicap index and we do not require them to play with an adult.
Cadet Section
This is currently catering for children from the age of 8 to 12 years.
All junior members required to fill out the forms in the Code of Coducts and return to the Junior Convenor or Junior Committee member.
Code of Conduct:
Balbriggan Golf Club are committed to providing you with the best possible environment to learn and develop your golf skills in a fun and safe manner. We believe as junior members you have the right to be treated fairly. We expect that each of you will treat each other and club members in a fair way.
Please read and sign the Code of Conduct form and return to the return to the Junior Convenor or Junior Committee member.
Junior Members are entitled to:
Be safe and feel safe
Be listened to
Be believed
Have fun and enjoy golf
Have a voice in relation to their activities within golf
Be treated with dignity, sensitivity, and respect
Participate in an equitable and fair manner.
Experience competition at a level at which they are comfortable. Make complaints and have them dealt with.
Get help against bullies Say No
Protect their own bodies Confidentiality.
Young Players should always:
Treat Sports leaders with respect, (professionals, coaches, Convenor, Club officials, volunteers members).
Look for themselves and the welfare of others.
Always play fairly and do their best.
Be organised and on time, tell someone if you are leaving a venue or competition. Respect team members, even when things go wrong.
Respect opponents, be gracious in defeat and victory
Abide by the rules set down by Junior Committee and Managers when travelling to away events while representing your club.
Behave in a manner that avoids bringing golf into disrepute.
Talk to an adult on the junior Committee if you have a problem.
Young players should never cheat, golf is about character, integrity and honesty. Never be a cheat. Young players should never
use violence or engage in irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behaviour. Shout or argue with officials. Teammates or opponents
Harm team members, opponents, or their property.
Bully or use bullying tactics to isolate another player or gain advantage.
Take banned substances, drink alcohol, smoke or engage in sexual behaviour. Keep secrets, especially if they have caused harm.
Tell lies about adults or other young people.
Spread rumours.
Discriminate against other players. All Junior members are equal in Balbriggan Golf Club Disciplinary Procedure:
If the code of conduct is broken steps will be taken to resolve the issue. Someone will lodge a complaint about the breakage of the code of conduct by a junior member. The Disciplinary Committee will hear the case from all parties, each will be given an opportunity to be heard.
The Disciplinary Committee will decide if a rule or regulation of the code has been broken.
They will then, in writing, inform the parents of the junior member involved, of the sanctions that will be imposed.
If any party does not agree with the decision that has been made, they can appeal the decision in writing within a ten-day period.
The appeals Committee is convened by the Junior Convenor and the chairperson will be someone from the executive committee and will not include anyone from the original disciplinary committee.
The Appeals committee should confirm or set aside change to any sanction made by the disciplinary committee.
If the issue cannot be resolved at local level, the complaint will be brought to the national management committee.
Bullying is defined as ‘repeated aggression, whether it is verbal, psychological or physical that is conducted by an individual or group against others’.
In our activities different people may be involved in bullying incidents. These may include juniors, leaders, coaches, parents, (this list is not exhaustive).
As a club we are committed to ensuring that any incidents of bullying are dealt with in an appropriate manner and juniors know they are in a supportive environment where it is not acceptable to bully and it is encouraged to tell an adult, if you know about incidents of bullying.
We hope you enjoy your membership at Balbriggan Golf Club for many years to come and embrace the many benefits that golf has to offer.
If you have any questions as a result of reading this introduction document, please contact one of the Junior Committee.